Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 2

Секция 4 • Panel 4 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1 116 Xiao Yuqiu (Nankai University, China) Missionary Instructors in the Russian Language Teaching in Beijing during the Qing Dynasty The Qing government realized the importance and urgency of Russian language teaching and cultivation of translators when diplomatic and commercial contacts between China and Russia became closer and closer, which finally resulted in the establishment of the Russian Language School. The School was the first one specialized in the teaching of European languages, and it laid a solid foundation for the establishment of Peking Tung Wen College (Peking Foreign Languages College). Russian missionaries in Peking provided human resources in the teaching of Russian language, among whom 10 people were employed as language instructors in the School. In the 18 th century, I. K. Rossokhin, A. G. Vladykin, under help from the Manchurian Fulohe, co-authored the first Russian textbook of China, which offered great assistance in the Russian Language teaching. While in the 19 th century, the 4 Russian instructors, as supervisors of the Russian Mission in Beijing, didn’t act fully the role of language teachers in the school, but instead they took the opportunity of school employment as means of collecting intelligence from the Qing government. Keywords: Russian Mission in Beijing, Rossokhin, Vladykin, China first Russian textbook 肖玉秋(南开大学,中国) 䆪ᵥ֙೒偐࣬ҁӵᬮಷ ೽⏚Ҹ֙䇂ᬮ㚇ЂⱙԱ⫽ ݈䬃䆢 ˖״ഭՐᮉഒˈ㖇㍒⅓ˈᕇ᣹ᗧ䠁ˈѝഭㅜаᵜ״䈝ᮉ、Җ ѝ״䰤ᇶ࠷ⲴཆӔ઼䍨᱃㚄㌫׳֯␵᭯ᓌ᜿䇶ࡠษޫ״䈝㘫䈁Ӫ᡽Ⲵ䟽㾱 ᙗ઼㍗䘛ᙗDŽ ᒤ״㖇ᯟ᮷侶ᓄ䘀㘼ᔪDŽ䘉ᱟ⭡ѝഭ᭯ᓌ ࡋ ࣎Ⲵㅜаᡰᮉ ᦸ⅗⍢䈝䀰Ⲵཆ䈝у、ᆖṑˈѪ ᒤӜᐸ਼᮷侶Ⲵᔪ・〟㍟Ҷ㓿傼DŽ㘼״ ഭՐᮉഒⲴࡠᶕ ࡉ Ѫ␵᭯ᓌᇎᯭ״䈝ᮉᆖ䇑 ࡂ ᨀ׋Ҷਟ㜭DŽ൘শቺ״ഭ傫े ӜՐᮉഒᡀઈѝˈа ޡ ᴹ Ӫ㻛ᔦ㚈Ѫ״䈝ᮉҐˈԆԜᱟ᣹ཛ䘎ᆓǃྕ㾯Პ ˄㓖⪏ཛ˅gᆓӊ、䈪ཛǃ㖇㍒⅓ǃ䱯 ݻࡇ ຎgᕇ᣹ᗧ䠁ǃ䱯 ݻࡇ ຎg ࡇ ᰲ ᆓ㙦ཛǃ兿㤕᰾ǃ֏↓ㄿǃᐤ᣹ㅜǃപ⽬઼᷿᷇DŽᵜ᮷ᤏṩᦞѝ״᮷⥞ሩ䘉 ॱս״ഭᮉҐⲴ⍫઼ࣘᴤᴯ䘋㹼㌫㔏ợ⨶ˈԕᵏ ޘ 䶒㘼ᇒ㿲ൠኅ⧠״ഭՐᮉ ഒ൘ѝഭ״䈝ᮉ㛢ਢкⲴ֌⭘઼ᖡ૽DŽ