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Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 135 Ԯ䆏 ྲ᷌ᡁԜ׍❦䟷ਆՐ㔏ⲴҼ ࠶ݳ ⌅ˈሶ䇽֌Ր㔏࠶ѪĀၹ㓖āоĀ䊚᭮ā Ҽㄟˈ ࡉ 䈳ᇴljᘥྤ့NJୡ઼о䈳ᇴlj┑⊏㓒NJୡ઼аṧˈ䜭ᱟሩᆻԕᶕ䊚 ᭮䇽仾Ⲵᚒ༽઼㔗᢯ˈ൘᧕㔝Ր㔏Ⲵ᜿ѹкˈᒯ䲥䇽උਾᵏⲴljᘥྤ့NJୡ ઼оࡽᵏⲴlj⎓ⓚ⋉NJୡ઼ˈ㲭❦ᰦ䰤кᴹ ݸ ਾˈն൘䇽ᆖ᜿ѹкতᱟᒣ㹼 Ⲵˈ൘䙫䗁кᒦнᱟ ݸ ਾ㔗䎧Ⲵєњн਼䱦⇥ˈн㜭ᢺਾ㘵⨶䀓ᡀᱟࡽ㘵Ⲵ 䖜ර઼ਈॆDŽྲ᷌ԕ䘉ṧа⿽㿶䀂ⴻᖵ␵ ࡍ 䇽仾Ⲵ╄䘋ˈቡՊᴹн਼Ⲵ䇔䇶 ઼㔃䇪DŽަᇎˈ൘᱃ԓѻ䱵Ⲵ␵ ࡍ ˈ֌૱੸⧠ᛢម◰ᇅⲴぬ䖙仾ṬⲴˈᒦн ѿӪˈྲ੤Տъǃᴩⓦㅹ␵ ࡍ ਽ᇦˈ䜭ᴹᣂਁ޵ᗳ〟ម੸⧠ぬ䖙仾ṬⲴ֌ ૱DŽഐ↔ˈᡁԜ൘䘭ⓟ␵ ࡍ ぬ䖙仾ⲴⓀ⍱ᰦˈቡн㜭ㆰঅൠ䇔Ѫˈ␵ ࡍ ぬ 䖙䇽仾ᱟ␵ ࡍ 㢣䇽Ⲵ䖜ර઼ᯠਈˈ㘼ᱟᴹ⵰㠚䓛ਁኅⲴⓀ⍱㜹㔌DŽԕ↔Ѫࡽ ᨀˈӻ ޕ ␵䇽Ⲵ⹄ウˈᡁԜሩ␵䇽ⲴਁኅቡՊᴤ࣐ ޘ 䶒઼␡ ޕ ˈሩ䇽ਢⲴᔪ ᶴቡՊᴤ࣐ᇒ㿲઼、ᆖˈ㘼ቁаӋѫ㿲㟶ᯝDŽ Ji Lingmei (Hohai University, China) The Ballads and the Literati in the Wu Area: A Case Study of Changzhou in the Qing Dynasty The literati of Changzhou in the Qing Dynasty have paid great attention to the folk literature resource such as the ballads, and made efforts in carrying forward the tradition of ballad. In their perspective, this tradition was rich and colorful, and the spirit of openness and the artistry of these ballads have infiltrated into their own creation. Huang Zhongze is a typical example. This indicates that in the Qing Dynasty, the literati in the Wu area have set their sights on the grass root literature such as the ballads, absorbing nourishment from the folk literature in order to promote the development of the thought of literature enlightenment. Keywords: ballad; Qing Dynasty; literati in Changzhou 纪玲妹(河海大学,中国) ℡䇸ϣਉഅ᭜ҏ āāҺ⏚ҸᐍᎳЏՠ͸⊈⍌໼ᄻഅᮎ᭜࣫ⷩか᠕ 㑿⦇ྎ͹ ȯ݈䬃 䇽ǐⅼ䉓 ␵ԓ ᑨᐎ᮷Ӫ