Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 203 19 . Sima Qian. Shi ji ( ਨ俜䚧 ਢ䁈 . Grand scribe's record) / Ershi si shi quan yi ( Ҽॱഋਢ ޘ 䆟 . Complete translation of the twenty-four histories). An Pingqiu fenshi zhubian ( ᆹᒣ⿻࠶ਢѫ㐘 . Chief editor An Pingshi). Shanghai: Hanyu dacidian chubanshe, 2004. V. 1–2. 1569 p. 20. Taiping guangji ( ཚᒣᔓ䁈 . Extensive records of the Taiping Era). Li Fang deng bian ( ᵾ᰹ㅹ㐘 . Compiled by Li Fang and others). Beijing: Wenxue chubanshe, 1959. V. 1–5. 4106 p. 21. Taiping yulan ( ཚᒣ⿖㿭 . Imperial browsings of the Taiping Era) Song Li Fang bianzuan ( ᆻᵾ᰹㐘㒲 . Compiled by the Sung Li Fang). Shijiazhang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 1994. V. 1–8. 7926 p. 22. Wu Chengen. Xi you ji ( ੣᢯ᚙ 㾯䙺䁈 . Journey to the West). Huang Suqiu zhushi ( 哳㚵⿻⌘䟻 . Annotated by Huang Suqiu). Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1955. V. 1–2. 1198 p. 23. Xu Dao. Lidai shenxian yanyi ( ᗀ䚃 ↧ԓ⾎ԉ╄㗙 . Historical Novel of Spirits). Xudao zhuan. ChengYuqi xu. Zhou Jing, Su Ke, Yi Fan jiaodian ( ᗀ䚃᫠ 〻∃ ཷ㒼 ઘᲦˈ㰷ᇒˈᇌ ࠑ ṑ唎 . Written by Xu Dao. Continued by Cheng Yuqi. Edited and punctuated by Zhou Jing, Su Ke and Yi Fan). Shenyang: Liaoning guji chubanshe, 1995. V. 1–2, 1275 p. 24 . Xu Zhonglin. Fengshen yanyi ( 䁡Ԣ⩣ ሱ⾎╄㗙 Creation of the Gods). Wang Shen, Yang Hua jiaodian ( ⦻⭣ˈὺ㨟ṑ唎 . Edited and punctuated by Wang Shen and Yang Hua). Shenyang: Chunfeng wenyi chubanshe, 1993. V. 1–2. 972 p. 25 . Yuan Ke. Zhongguo shenhua shi ( 㺱⧲ ѝഭ⾎䈍ਢ . History of Chinese Myths). Zeren bianji Zheng Shuoren ( 䋜ԫ㕆䗁 䜁⺅Ӫ Chief editor Zheng Shuoren). Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 1988. 494 p. 26. YuanMei quan ji. ( 㺱᷊ ޘ 䳶 . The CompleteWorks byYuanMei). WangYingzhi zhubian ( ⦻㤡ᘇѫ㐘 . Edited byWangYingzhi). Nanjing: Jiangsu guji chubanshe, 1993. V. 4. 692 p. 27. Zhonghua daozang ( ѝ㨟䚃㯿 . Chinese Taoist Treasury). Zhang Ji-yu zhubian ( ᕥ㒬⿩ѫ㐘 . Edited by Zhang Ji-yu). Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe, 2004. V. 1–49. 36700 p. 28. Zhongguo shenhua chuanshuo cidian ( ѝ഻⾎䂡ۣ䃚䗝ި . Dictionary of Chinese myths and legends). Yuan Ke bianzhu ( 㺱⧲㐘㇨ . Compiled by Yuan Ke). Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 1985. 540 p. Internet sources 29. https://baike.baidu.com/item/ 䴩 ⋹ (29.03.2018). Toroptsev Sergey (IFES RAS, Russia) Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry: Calque or Coauthorship? The presentation starts from the prerequisite of two basic principles of literary translation: chaste scientific translation that presupposes cultural background information and intuitionistic translation that a poet makes “by ear and spirit”