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Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 293 ⲴĀѝഭ᮷ॆ䎠ࠪ৫āˈҏн㝡䘉њᙍ㔤⁑ᔿDŽ㘼Āц⭼ѝⲴѝഭ᮷ᆖāˈ ࡉ ᆼ ޘ 䀓ᶴҶ䘉⿽অੁⲴҼ ݳ ሩ・⁑ᔿˈ䟽ᯠ䇙ᡁԜ↓㿶 ޘ ⨳᮷ॆⲴӂࣘӔ 䭉ˈሩѝഭ⧠ԓ᮷ᆖⲴ⧠ԓॆᡰӗ⭏Ⲵᐘབྷ㘼␡䘌Ⲵᖡ૽ˈ㺘⧠ࠪѝഭ⧠ԓ ᮷ᆖオࡽ༽ᵲⲴ䶒䊼DŽ ൘䇘䇪Ҷljᯠ㕆ѝഭ⧠ԓ᮷ᆖਢNJⲴ᮷ᵜᖒᘱ৺ަ⨶䇪・൪ਾˈᡁԜ 䘈ਟԕӾ᮷ॆ⹄ウⲴ䀂ᓖ䇘䇪ሩĀ᮷āⲴ䟽ᯠ⨶䀓ˈӾ䐘ᆖ、Ⲵ・൪䗙 䇱Ā䈇āоĀਢāⲴሩ䈍ˈӾᰦオⲴ䀂ᓖ䟽ՠਔިо⧠ԓⲴሩ䈍ǃ⧠ԓᙗ Ⲵѝഭ䶒ᆄǃ᯵㹼о⧠ԓᙗⲴ ޣ 㚄ˈӾĀᆵީѝഭāⲴ㿲ᘥᶕ䟽ᇑॾ䈝䈝 ㌫䇪䘠ㅹㅹˈ䘉Ӌ䜭ᱟ⦻ᗧေ൘ަሬ䈫઼᮷ᆖਢѝнᯝᨀ઼ࠪᙍ㘳Ⲵ⨶䇪 䰞仈ˈ⴨ؑҏᱟᡁԜ᮷ᆖਢ䟽 ߉ ᡰᗵ享䶒ѤⲴ䰞仈DŽն䲀Ҿㇷᑵˈᰐ⌅㔗 㔝ኅᔰˈਚ㜭⮉лаㅄˈԕѪᔲᰕѻࡨDŽᙫѻˈljᯠ㕆ѝഭ⧠ԓ᮷ᆖਢNJ ᢺ᮷ᆖоশਢǃ᮷ॆǃᙍᜣǃ⨶䇪ˈ㶽Ҿа⚹ˈᖒᔿᯠ仆ˈᯠ㿱䘝ࠪˈ㭊 Ѫབྷ㿲ˈ㲭❦ӽ❦ᆈ൘аӋ䰞仈ˈҏਟ㜭ՊᕅਁаӋ䇪ҹˈնᰐਟ੖䇔ˈ ᆳᓄ䈕ᱟйॱᒤᶕ⎧޵ཆ᮷ᆖਢ䟽 ߉ Ⲵᴰ䟽㾱Ⲵԓ㺘ᙗᡀ᷌ѻаDŽ䘉ṧа 䜘 ݵ ┑ѫ㿲ᙗǃ ࡋ ᯠᙗⲴ᮷ᆖਢˈоަ䈤ᱟа䜘ᵳေؑਢˈнྲ䈤ᆳྲᯗ ⹤ㄩˈᢃᔰҶ䟽䘄ѝഭ⧠ԓ᮷ᆖਢⲴᰐ䲀ਟ㜭ˈҏ⭏ࣘփ⧠Ҷ⦻ᗧေሩѝ ഭ᮷ᆖⲴ␡৊ᛵᘰо㠚㿹᢯ᣵˈӾ䘉њ᜿ѹк䈤ˈн࿘ҏਟԕ㿶ѻѪ⦻ᗧ ေⲴ৸а䜘ᣂᛵѻ֌DŽ Khuziyatova Nadezhda (FEFU, Russia) Kurako Julia (FEFU, Russia) Chinese Literary Autobiography of the First Half of the 20th Century in the Historical and Cultural Context Literary autobiography as a genre emerged in the first half of the 20 th century under the “movement for a new culture” of 1910–1920 th . The interest to the new genre that combined in harmony literary, documentary and author’s individuality led to the “boom of autobiography” in 1930 th . While genre peculiarities were rather constant, the Chinese literary autobiography in the historical and cultural context of the first half of 20 th century was characterized by variability and dynamic of its content, structure and style. Keywords: Chinese literature of the first half of the 20 th century, literary autobiography, boom of autobiography, genre peculiarities, historical and cultural context.