Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Секция 1 • Panel 1 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 72 Но в то же время, за стандартным жанром виден чиновник, играющий по сложившимся в бюрократической среде правилам, а за дежурными высоко- парными фразами чувствуется искреннее восхищение человека своей эпохи, снова и снова становившегося очевидцем необычных событий. Zha Hongde (Nankai University, China) The Interpretation of Yuan Haowen’s Poetic Tenet from the Respect of Han Yu People in the Song Dynasty and the Jin and Yuan Dynasties praised Han Yu when they talked about poetry, Li Bai and Du Fu are often tied together with Han Yu. These include the famous poets and poets Yuan Haowen in the transitional period of Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. Most of the researchers believe that Yuan Haowen ’ s poetics was to uphold Tang poetry. But Yuan Haowen ’ s respected poets in the Tang Dynasty actually refer to Han Yu. However, Han Yu was a poet who created the poetic style of the Song Dynasty. Yuan Haowen ’ s poetics point was to respect Han Yu,in fact, it was the affirmation of poetry in the Song Dynasty. Of course, Yuan Haowen ’ s view of poetry was not only for the Song Dynasty, but for the Tang and Song dynasties. He studied poetry in the Tang and Song Dynasties and found a balance between them. Looking for the new direction of poetry development beyond the style of Tang poetry and Song Poetry, create a new style of the times. Keywords: Han Yu; Yuan Haowen; Tang and Song Dynasties ḛ⍠ᗭ (南开大学,中国) ⬆᥽ᇟ䶾ᛝ㾸䇐 ܘ དྷ䯃䆏䆬ᮽ䍸 ᆻ䠁 ݳ Ӫ䇪䈇᧘ሺ丙᜸ˈ䇪ୀӪ䈇ˈ丙ᖰᖰоᵾᶌᒦ〠DŽ⦻ᆹ⸣ljୀⲮᇦ 䈇䘹NJˈĀᵾᶌ丙䈇ноDŽā 1 ѪӰѸн䘹ԆԜ઒˛ѕ㗭࠶᷀䈤˖Āᵾᶌ丙 ḣˈԕᇦᴹަ䳶ˈ᭵н䖭DŽā 2 ݳ ྭ䰞ljୀ䈇啃੩NJǃ ݳ ѝᵏᶘ༛ᕈljୀ丣NJ ҏ䜭н䘹ᵾᶌ丙ˈljୀ丣g ࠑ ֻNJӁ˖Āᵾǃᶌǃ丙䈇ˈцཊ ޘ 䳶ˈ᭵н৺ ᖅDŽā н䘹ˈᱟᰐ享䘹ˈԕ⽪᧘ሺDŽ⭡Āцཊ ޘ 䳶āਟ⸕ˈሺᵾᶌ丙ˈн ᱟ⦻ᆹ⸣ǃ ݳ ྭ䰞ǃᶘ༛ᕈњӪⲴ㿱䀓ˈ㘼ᱟањᰦԓⲴྭቊDŽ 1 ˄ᆻ˅䱸ᥟᆉljⴤᮻҖᖅ䀓仈NJধॱӄˈк⎧ਔ㉽ࠪ⡸⽮ ᒤ⡸ˈㅜ 亥DŽ 2 ˄ᆻ˅ѕ㗭㪇ˈ䜝㓽㲎ṑ䟺lj⋗⎚䈇䈍ṑ䟺NJˈӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮ ᒤ⡸ˈㅜ 亥DŽ 3 ˄ ݳ ˅ᶘ༛ᕈ㕆ˈ˄᰾˅亮⫈䇴⛩ˈ˄᰾˅ᕐ䴷䗁⌘ˈ䲦᮷呿ˈ兿⾆䫖ᮤ⨶⛩ṑljᢩ ⛩ୀ丣NJˈ⋣ेབྷᆖࠪ⡸⽮ ᒤ⡸ˈ ࠑ ֻDŽ