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Жизнь и творчество Хань Юя Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 13 Ouyang’s prose and poetry. In his Remarks on poetry (“Shihua”) and “Notes at the back of the old edition of Han Yu’s writings”, he stresses the importance of breadth interest and places himself within a tradition stretching back to Han Yu. In the Remarks on poetry, among the poets of Tang Dynasty his highest praise is reserved for Han Yu. Ouyang uses very similar terms to introduce Han Yu’s poetic style as those with whichhe described his own style. His works show the influence of Han Yu’s poetry. Like Han Yu, Ouyang Xiu reintroduced the simple and clear “ancient style” in Chinese literature and sought to reform Chinese political life through principles of classical Confucianism. In fact, in the Northern Song Ouyang’s leadership and protection of that style paved the way for a new literary movementfor the renaissance of ancient principles both in literature and in society. Ouyangwas early captivated by writings of Han Yu, as the leader of literary reform movement, Ouyang established a great prestige with his creative works. He believed that those who grasp the Dao are able to create excellent works. Han Yu who was not a very popular person for most ofearlier Song writers, Ouyang Xiu and his adherents glorified the talent and the honor of Han Yu’s name, as well as celebrated his literary works. Hebroadly emulated Han Yu’s style and recommended his ideas. It is thanks to Ouyang’s efforts and status, Han Yu subsequently became a role model to many literary men. Ouyang was considered by his contemporaries and future generations as a great follower of literary traditions and literary style of Han Yu. Keywords: Ouyang Xiu, Han Yu, return to antiquity movement, fugu Черевко М. В. (СПбГУ, Россия) Оуян Сю «Записки о старом издании сочинений Хань [Юя]  1 » (знакомство с творчеством Хань Юя) Ключевые слова: Оуян Сю, Хань Юй, движение за возврат к древно- сти, фугу Текст Оуяна Сю, о котором пойдет речь в данной статье, написан им примерно в 1063 году  2 (в годы правления Жэнь-цзуна под девизом цзя-ю) 1 (768–824), Туй-чжи, Вэнь-гун, литератор танского времени. (отдельная статья о нем на рус. яз. см.: Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. / Гл. ред. М. Л. Титаренко; Ин-т Дальнего Востока. М.: Вост. лит., 2006. Т. 1. Философия / ред. М. Л. Титаренко, А. И. Кобзев, А. Е. Лукьянов. 2006. 727 с. С. 479–481.) 2 Этот год называет Ван Шуйчжао в своей монографии «Биография Оуян Сю» ( ⅗䱣؞Ր , с. 359), в полном собрании сочинений с комментариями Хун Бэнцзяня на с. 1928 указан 1061 год или чуть позже, т. к. в самом тексте указано время написания — «спустя более, чем 30 лет с того момента, как получил степень цзиньши» (т. е. через 30 с небольшим лет после 1030 года).