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Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 141 Ԇᙻ⡡䗷〻оབྷ㠤䖞ᔃDŽྲlj䞹᱕仾gᒭ㓖NJǃlj⎚␈⋉gᒭՊNJǃljྲỖ Ԕgᲃ䙷NJǃlj仾傜 ݯ gᒭᗶNJǃlj仾⍱ᆀg⊏к䙷ᰗNJǃlj߿ ޠ gѝ⿻ཌ ᝏᰗNJㅹˈⴻ仈ⴞቡਟԕ⸕䚃ˈ䘉Ӌ䇽֌᧿䘠Ҷ㓖Պǃᇊᛵ㠣⿫࡛ǃ⴨ᙍⲴ 䗷〻DŽ䘉ṧⲴ⢩⛩൘ԕࡽ᮷ӪⲴ䈇ⅼѝᱟ䖳ቁ㿱Ⲵˈն൘ⅼ䉓ѝতᑨ㿱DŽ ԕкԕⅼ䉓о␵ԓᑨᐎ᮷ӪѪֻ䘋㹼࠶᷀DŽަᇎˈ␵ԓ੤ൠ䘈ᴹ䜁ᰝ ᰖ᭦䗁੤䎺≁ⅼⲴljཙ㉱䳶NJˈᵡᖍሺ൘lj᰾䈇㔬NJধаⲮѝ᭦ᖅⅼ䉓ˈ ⢩࡛ᱟ᰾ԓ㣿ᐎӪ ߟ Ỗ嗉ᩌ䳶о㕆᫠ljᤲ᷍ ݯ NJǃljኡⅼNJˈ䘁ԓ੤ൠᆖ 㘵 ࡈ ॺ ߌ ᩌ䳶о㕆᫠lj⊏䱤㡩ⅼNJˈ亮亹 ࡊ ᩌ䳶о㕆᫠lj੤ⅼ⭢䳶NJǃ lj੤ⅼሿਢNJㅹˈ൷ᱟᖃᰦᔰ仾≄ѻ֌DŽԕᖰӪԜሩ␵ԓᑨᐎ᮷Ӫоⅼ䉓 Ⲵ ޣ ㌫⌘᜿нཏˈᡁԜሩ↔࣐ԕਁᧈо䇴䈤ˈᰘ൘䈤᰾᰾␵੤ൠ᮷Ӫሶⴞ ݹ ᣅੁ㥹䟾᮷ᆖüü≁䰤ⅼ䉓ˈӾ≁䰤ⅼ䉓ѝ⊢ਆ㩕ޫˈнᯝ᧘ࣘ᮷ᆖ੟ 㫉ᙍᜣⲴਁኅDŽ Kobzev Artem (IOS RAS, Russia) Misadventures in the West of Suffering Gao Qi The writer, scholar and dignitary Gao Qi ( 儈ஏ , 1336–1374) spent most of his life under the rule of foreigners-Mongols at the end of the Yuan (1271–1368) era, was unjustly executed in the first years of the reign of the national dynasty, at the beginning of the Ming (1368–1644) and is considered the greatest poet of this era. For the first time in the West in 1826 two of his poems were published, quoted in the first western translation of the Chinese novel ( ⦹ᄼỘ “Yu jiao li” — “[Bai / Bo Hong-]yu [nicknamed Wu-]jiao and [her cousin Lu Meng-]ly”), inaccurately called the interpreter J.-P. Abel-Rémusat (1778–1832) “The Two Cousins”. In it, the second name of the poet — Gao Ji-di 儈ᆓ䘚 — was transcribed as Kaokiti, because of what he was not identified by many specialists in the West and still no one in Russia, where for the first time in 1896 his unidentified poems translated not from the original under the distorted name of K’ao-k’i-t’i. Keywords: classical Chinese poetry, Gao Qi, Kao Ch’i, Kao-ki-ti, “Yu jiao li”, “The Two Cousins” Кобзев А. И. (ИВ РАН, Россия) Злоключения на Западе многострадального Гао Ци Ключевые слова: классическая китайская поэзия, Гао Ци, Као-ки-ти, «Юй цзяо ли», «Две кузины»