Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Секция 2 • Panel 2 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 212 Voytishek E., Osipov G., Salikhova E. (NSU, Russia) The Translations of Chinese Manuscript of the X century «Dispute of Tea and Wine» ( 㤋䜧䂫 “Cha jiu lun”) of Dunhuang Library: New Understanding in XXI century The Chinese manuscript of the X century «Dispute of Tea and Wine» ( 㥦䞂䄆 “Cha jiu lun”) of scribe scholar Wang Fu ( ⦻ᮧ ) , was discovered in the early XX century in the Mogaoku cave complex 㧛儈ハ near Dunhuang city of the Gansu province. In the first decades of the XX century after “Dunhuang’s Library” was discovered, thousands of manuscripts and Buddhist relics were taken away by researchers, which are now dispersed throughout museums and libraries of 14 countries. The original version of «Dispute of Tea andWine» manuscript written in Chinese was among the manuscripts taken by famous French sinologist Paul Pelliot (1878–1945). “Dispute of Tea and Wine” is a small and quite witty text comprising of about one thousand characters built in the form of a dispute between the two sides about the role, functions and merits of each drink. The text contains a brief summary of this dispute, by a graceful third participant — water, which brings the disputants together. This work is written in a popular genre of Buddhist parables ਈ᮷ bianwen. The authors of this article translated the original list of works from Bibliothèque National de France («Pelliot fonds chinois 2718») with the help of the reconstructed text of the original. This is the first and currently only version of the Russian-English double translation of the manuscript. Keywords: “Dunhuang’s library”, X century manuscript, ”Dispute of Tea and Wine” Войтишек Е. Э., Осипов Г. В., Салихова Е.-М. И. (Новосибирский государственный университет, Россия) Переводы китайской рукописи X века «Спор чая и вина» из «Дуньхуанской библиотеки»: новые прочтения XXI века 1 Ключевые слова: Библиотека Дуньхуана, манускрипт Х века, спор чая и вина Китайская рукопись X в. «Спор Чая и Вина» ( 㥦䞂䄆 «Ча цзю лунь») уче- ного-книжника по имени Ван Фу ( ⦻ᮧ ), обнаруженная в начале XX в. в пещер- ном комплексе Могаоку Ⳙ㧗❍ близ г. Дуньхуан в провинции Ганьсу, давно привлекает внимание специалистов: изучение этого манускрипта вписывается 1 Исследование проведено в рамках государственного задания в сфере научной деятельности (проект № 33.5677.2017/8.9).