Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Секция 2 • Panel 2 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 236 Wang Yun (Soochow University, China) The Theoretical form of The Modern Transformation of The Ancient Literary Theory This paper mainly describes the literary form that Chinese ancient literary try to find in the procedure of the modern transformation of 1980s’s Chinese ancient literary. Hanyu is the sponsor of the ancient literature movement, also the founder of the foundation framework of the ancient literature. For more than a thousand years, his influence is like the unceasing flow of a river. However, today, the modern transformation of the ancient literary is the only way that must be born anew. Keywords: Ancient Literary Theory Modern Transformation Theoretical Representation 王耘 (苏州大学,中国) হҸ᭜䆏Р⦅Ҹ䕁ᤷⱙ⧛䆏ᔷᗖ >݇䬂䆡@ ਔԓ᮷䇪⧠ԓ䖜ᦒ⨶䇪㺘䊑 ϕȡңĆ⇦ᮤ࣫ć ࠅ ĆЂ೒⡎㡇ć ਔԓ᮷䇪Ⲵԧ٬䇪 ࡔ ᯝˈᴹєњ ޣ 䭞䇽ˈĀ≁᯿ॆāǃĀѝഭ⢩㢢āDŽѻ Ҿ ݵ ┑⧠ԓᙗᖱ䊑Ⲵᖃԓѝഭ⽮Պˈਔԓ᮷䇪ウㄏާᴹᘾṧⲴԧ٬˛䘉а䰞仈 ⲴㆄṸⲴࡽਾᐞᔲǃਈॆǃ䎧Կˈ∄䘉аㆄṸᵜ䓛ᴤ٬ᗇᙍ㘳DŽਔԓ᮷䇪ԧ٬ 㿲ᘥⲴਁኅ䗷〻ˈቔѪ ࠨ ᱮҾਔԓ᮷䇪Ӿ㻛Ā≁᯿ॆāࡠّሬĀѝഭ⢩㢢āⲴ ・൪ᴤ䘝DŽĀ≁᯿ॆāǃĀѝഭ⢩㢢āˈн㜭㇇֌⨶䇪ѻਈᣁᡆ⧠ᇎѻҹⲴ ĀਓਧāǃĀѫѹāˈতᶴᡀҶਔԓ᮷䇪ѻ⧠ԓ䖜ᦒ⹄ウнᯝ╄䘋Ⲵ޵൘䙫䗁DŽ ਔԓ᮷䇪Ⲵ⧠ԓ䖜ᦒˈᱟнᱟа⿽᮷㢪⨶䇪Ⲵ≁᯿ॆˈ֌Ѫ䰞仈ˈ㘼䶎 㔃䇪ˈ൘ҍॱᒤԓᵛᗇࡠ䗷␡࡫৽ⴱDŽᡰ䉃≁᯿ॆˈᱟ㾱ᢺ᮷㢪⨶䇪Ⲵ޵⏥ 㔏ᩴҾᐢᴹⲴ≁᯿Ā䈝䀰ā哮лˈ䘈ᱟа⿽䶒ሩ ޘ ⨳ॆ䈍䈝䵨ᵳᵚᶕⲴ≁᯿ ᜣ䊑˛Ჲфн䇪ˈ䘉аᵟ䈝൘ҍॱᒤԓᵛቔѪ勌᰾ൠ㺘⧠ࠪ㻛Ā㿴䚯āˈ㻛 Āᛜ㖞āˈѳ㠣㻛Ā᭩ ߉ āⲴ ٮ ੁˈᆖ⭼޵䜘ᔰ࿻ሩަ⧠ᇎ᜿ѹ䘋㹼㠚㿹 ൠỰ䇘ǃᢩ ࡔ DŽ⭡ᕐ⎧᰾Ⲵ㺘䘠ˈਟ㿱ҍॱᒤԓᵛӪԜሩਔԓ᮷䇪֌Ѫ≁ ᯿Ⲵ㋮⾎䚇ӗ䘉аĀһᇎāᐢ❦ᴹᡰĀ䗲എāѳ㠣Ā䍘⯁āˈᕐ⎧᰾ⵏ↓ ޣ ᗳⲴᱟྲօᔪᶴа྇ᴹѝഭ⢩㢢Ⲵ᮷㢪⨶䇪˛Āѝഭ⢩㢢ā㾱ҾĀ≁᯿ ॆāüüᖃлѻ࣑ᱟ㾱ᔪᶴˈ㾱ᔪᶴⲴнᱟ≁᯿ॆⲴ᮷㢪⨶䇪ˈ㘼ᱟᴹѝഭ