Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Секция 3 • Panel 3 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 286 䉙傲онਸᇎ䱵Ⲵ੩ᦗDŽ㖁㔌᮷ᆖᒦнᱟа㗔ᇼ㗱Ⲵ᮷ᆇ⑨ᠿˈ㘼ᱟᮠԕⲮ з䇑֌㘵㺘䗮޵ᗳᛵᝏǃᙍᜣо䘭≲Ⲵ䀰䈤ᖒᘱDŽ䘉Ӌᖒᘱˈቭ㇑ᖸཊⴻլ 㦂䈎н㓿ˈཙ傜㹼オˈն␡ ޕ ൠ⨶䀓䘉⿽䀰䈤ᖒᘱˈ᡽㜭ⵏ↓Ҷ䀓ᡁԜᖃл Ⲵ⧠ᇎˈ⢩࡛ᱟ༴Ҿᰕ⳺㲊ᤏॆ઼Ც㜭ॆц⭼ѝⲴᒤ䖫ӪⲴᝏਇ઼ᜣ⌅DŽᢩ 䇴ᇦаણ䱴઼䍴ᵜሩ᮷ᆖⲴ᭩ ߉ ˈቡн㜭ᴹ᭸ൠѪ䈫㘵ኅ⧠᮷ᆖᢩ䇴ሩՈ⿰ ֌૱Ⲵ᥁䘹ǃ ࡔ ᯝ઼䱀䟺Ⲵ㜭࣋DŽᡁԜᖸቁ㜭ԕ㋮ᖙⲴ᮷ᆖ㋮䈫ˈ੺䇹བྷᇦ 㖁㔌᮷ᆖ֌૱ѪօྭˈᘾѸྭDŽ䘉৸ᘾ㜭 ڊ ࡠᢩ䇴ᇦⲴ䍓ԫ઒˛ᢩ䇴ᇦᱟ֯ Ӫؑˈ֯Ӫᛏˈ㘼нᱟ֯Ӫᙅˈ֯Ӫᰐ㙺DŽҏ䇨ˈᯠჂփᖒᘱлⲴѝഭ᮷ᆖ ᢩ䇴ˈ↓䶒Ѥ⵰а⿽ᯠⲴĀӻ ޕ ᙗāˈнӵᱟᤷ࡙⭘᮷ᆖᢩ䇴᮷ᵜᖒᡀሩ⽮ ՊⲴᒢ亴ˈ㘼фᱟᤷ᮷ᆖᢩ䇴о䈫㘵ǃ֌㘵ǃ᮷ᵜѻ䰤ᖒᡀᴤӢᇶǃᒣㅹⲴ Ӕ⍱ ޡ ӛ ޣ ㌫DŽ䉶⬓䇴䇪ㅹᯩᔿᐢ㔉ᡁԜᨀ׋Ҷᖸཊ੟⽪DŽ䘉⿽ᢩ䇴ӻ ޕ ᙗ Ⲵ᪨㍒ˈҏ䘈ᴹᖵᴤཊᴹ䇶ѻ༛Ⲵ৲оDŽ Ji Jin (Soochow University, China) An Open Space of Literary History The Four kinds of modern Chinese literary history that published in the English-speaking world recently presents a rethinking of traditional literary history writing method, and also provides a reference to China’s practice of rewriting literary history. Among those four kinds of literary history, Kirk Denton’s division of Chinese literary history in The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature is similar with that of traditional Chinese literary history, and has provided a great linear frame for the discussion of writers, works, and genres in the second part. In comparison, A Companion to Modern Chinese Literature edited by Zhang Yingjin is more theoretical, which depicts the diverse and unique developing of Chinese literature from the view of time, spatial, literary genre or new media. Besides, The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures edited by Carlos Rojas and Andrea Bachner is special for its marginal view and non-linear edition method that manifests the openness and dynamism of literary history. A New Literary History of Modern China edited by David Der-Wei Wang can be the most interesting and unique one. Just as David Wang said, the book is edited with a chronological order, and at the same time rethinking the complexity of Chinese literature by focusing on specific history period, events or figures. With those efforts, David Wang unearthed many communication cases between China and the world. David Wang’s work not only presents the new meaning of literary history, but also motivates people to think about the global cultural interaction in deep. Keywords: English World, History of Literature,Comments