Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Секция 3 • Panel 3 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 346 ᴰĀ⧠ԓāⲴ㗔փDŽ㲭❦ԆԜᖃѝⲴབྷཊᮠӪᵚᴮ䐿к䗷⌅ഭ亶൏ˈতн៸ ൠ൘Җѝ ࡋ 䙐㠚ᐡ⌅ഭц⭼DŽ䘉ҏᱟ␡䲧⾿ḟ᜿ѹкĀᵳ࣋ ⸕䇶āҼ ⸋ݳ ⴮ѻѝⲴа㗔Ӫ˖аᯩ䶒࡙⭘㠚䓛䈝䀰Ո࣯䰵䈫н਼ᰦԓཆഭ֌ᇦ֌૱ˈ ĀԆኡѻ⸣ˈਟԕ᭫⦹āˈ䇔਼൘䇔䇶䇪ቲ䶒ঐ ߣ ᇊՈ࣯Ⲵ㾯ᯩ⸕䇶ᵪࡦ˗ ਖаᯩ䶒ˈ⟏いⲴཆ᮷ᡀѪԆԜ傴ۢⲴ䊑ᖱ䍴ᵜˈُࣙ䘉Ӌ⌻਽䇽ᔪᶴᜣ䊑 ᙗĀк⍱Ӫ༛ā䓛ԭˈ൘Āнᰦ儖āⲴഭӪ䶒ࡽ ٷ ᇊ㠚䓛Ⲵ⸕䇶ൠսˈᒦ㧧 ᗇḀ⿽㤡䳴ѫѹⲴ┑䏣DŽ Rodionova Oxana (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia) Social and Ethical Deformation on the Way to Modern Dream: Reading “Twisted Fate” by Dong Xi The challenge of modern epoch to human values, pressure of life on moral and physical characteristics of common people are urgent issues for Chinese society and literature of today. We can see that in the last decades Chinese literary arena got inundated by the “grassroots literature”, “literature of migrant workers” and “gastarbeiter literature”. Dong Xi’s novel “Twisted Fate”, which appeared in 2015 became a milestone in development of “gastarbeiter literature”. The novel not only shows the inner world of the contemporary Chinese and reveals acute problems of consumer society in China, but also raises questions about the very meaning of human existence in Chinese society. Dong Xi’s heroes from the lower classes try to twist the almost predicted fate by all available means, even those illegal and unmoral, but finally lose their moral integrity, health and sometimes even life. Keywords: Dong Xi, “Twisted Fate”, Literature of Migrant Workers, Gastarbeiter Literature, Migration. Родионова О. П. (СПбГУ, Россия) Социальная и этическая деформация на пути к современной мечте: о романе Дун Си «Переломленная судьба» Ключевые слова : Дун Си, «Переломленная судьба», литература трудо- вых мигрантов, гастарбайтерская литература, миграция. Динамично развивающийся в последние десятилетия Китай удивляет не только весь мир, сами китайцы находятся под гипнозом невиданных доселе скоростей и перемен. Новое поколение китайцев, плененное экономическим