Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Жизнь и творчество Хань Юя Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 39 3. Шедевры китайской классической прозы в переводах академика В. М. Алексеева: в 2 кн. Кн. 2. М.: Вост. лит., 2006. 503 с. 4. ⦻㑮DŽ䞹䜹䁈 (Ван Цзи. Повествование об области, где пьяницы живут) URL: https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/ 䞹 䜹䁈 (дата обращения: 10.02.18). 5. 䎥৊൷DŽ䎐ᒿⓀ⍱㘳䇪 (Чжао Хоуцзюнь. Изыскания относительно проис- хождения и развития жанра посвящения) // Вэньи лилунь яньцзю. Шанхай, 2008. № 4. С. 83–88. Li Yijin (Shandong University, China) Li Meng (Tianjin Chengjian University, China) Chinese Ancient “Ether of Literature” (Wen Qi) Theory and HAN Yu’s “Appropriate Words from Strong Momentum” Theory “Ether of Literature” Theory is an important scope in Chinese ancient literary theory, the original meaning of which comes from the natural gas. As a philosophical and literary term, it has multiple meanings such as vitality, thinking and emotion, spiritual realm, the character of a writer, style, tone and infectivity of the works. HAN Yu’s “appropriate words from strong momentum” theory inherited Mencius’“magnanimous spirit” theory and LIU Xie’s “foster moral character” theory. It refers in particular that the author has full passion to ideal and faith and has a life situation with harmonious body and mind, therefore natural and refined words and articles can be created. This theory proposed on a litterateur standpoint promoted the development of ancient prose movement in the Tang Dynasty, and had a profound impact on future generations. Keywords: China, ether of literature, HAN Yu, appropriate words from strong momentum 李逸津 山东大学,中国) 李盟(天津城建大学,中国) Ђ೒হҸĆ᭜⇩ć䆏ϣ䶾ᛝⱙĆ⇩Ⲱ㿕ᅱć䇉 ݈䬃䆢 ˖ѝഭ ᮷≄ 丙᜸ ≄ⴋ䀰ᇌ Ā≄āᱟѝഭਔԓଢᆖѳ㠣⁚䍟ᮤњѝॾᆖᵟ᮷ॆ਴њ亶ฏⲴањ䟽㾱㤳 ⮤DŽᵜ᮷֌㘵ѻаᵾ䙨⍕ᖃᒤҾ ̢ ᒤ൘״㖇ᯟഭ・䎛ቄ዁ᐸ㤳བྷᆖ