Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1

Секция 2 • Panel 2 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 152 Kravtsova Marina (SPbSU, Russia) On Origins of the “Return to Ancient Literature” Concept in the Chinese Literary Thought This article is focused on analysis of literary views of Yang Xiong ( ᨊ ὺ䳴 , 53 BC — 18 AD ) , one of the outstanding thinkers и poets of the Han Era (206 BC—220 AD), in the aspect of origins of the “return to ancient literature” concept as the basic one for the “Ancient-Style ProseMovement” ( Guwen-yundong ਔ᮷䙻 अ ) of the Tang Era ( 618–907AD ) . Through a discussion of Yang Xiong’s treatments of rhapsodies ( fu 䌖 ) , given at Chapter 2 ( “Wu zi” ੮ᆀ ) of the “Fa yen” ( ⌅䀰 , “Exemplary Sayings” ) treatise, the author argues that exactly Yang Xiong was the first of the Chinese theorists of literature who advanced the ideas of the Confucian classical poetry embodied in the “Shi jing” ( “Classics of Poetry” ) as the ideal for current poetic creativity, and of inevitability of degradation of the latter in case of its coming apart from this ideal. He also carried out the first experiment to create a new for that day rhapsodic poetry literary form, designed to revive the “Shi jing” poetry. Taking into account the historical-political and ideological-cultural context of the end of the 1st century BC — the beginning of the 1st century, it is right also to assume that the literary views of Yang Xiong were aimed at solution of the problem, which soon became fundamental for the native literary mind and philosophical thought — what is “true poetry” and refined literature as a whole as an organic component of the spiritual foundations of statehood. Keywords: Chinese literary thought, “return to ancient literature” concept, Han Era, rhapsodic poetry, Yang Xiong, “Fa yen” treatise, by Yang Xiong’s rhapsodies. Кравцова М. Е. (СПбГУ, Россия) О зарождении концепта «возвращения к древней словесности» в литературно-теоретической мысли Китая Ключевые слова: литературно-теоретическая мысль Китая, концепт «возвращения к древней словесности», эпоха Хань, одическая поэзия, Ян Сюн, трактат «Фа янь», оды Ян Сюна. Еще в середине первой половине прошлого века в китайском литературо- ведении возникла точка зрения о существовании «первого этапа “Движения за возвращение к древней словесности”», который соотносится с началом империи Суй (581–618)  1 . Основанием для этого предположения послужили, 1 Эту точку зрения впервые однозначно сформулировал Лю Дацзе ( ࢹབྷᶠ , 1904– 1977) в [16; 346–347]. Из современных китайских работ подробно см. [13; 837–846], из отечественных изданий см. [1; 878–882].